Isaiah 9:1-7 KJV
Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations. [2] The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined. [3] Thou hast multiplied the nation, and not increased the joy: they joy before thee according to the joy in harvest, and as men rejoice when they divide the spoil. [4] For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian. [5] For every battle of the warrior is with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood; but this shall be with burning and fuel of fire. [6] For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. [7] Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
This month seems to be so chaotic. Everyone seems to be running in so many different directions. Some are trying to get everyone a present, or trying to prepare the perfect dinner. So worried if the present they got some one was the best one, or how to get the money to buy the perfect gift. We can't get so concerned with all these things that we forget the reason that we celebrate Christmas. It's not about the material gift or about the turkey or the ham. Even though we know the reason, we still let it slip our minds of the true gift that was given to us. That gift that Christ gave us. By giving himself as an offering for our sins. It's so very important that we do not forget that. We call him the Prince of Peace but we forget to let his peace be upon us. Let us take this time to not worry about having everything perfect but rather focus on the one that is perfect which Christ!!